About FUERZAfest
FUERZAfest, launched by the Hispanic Federation in 2016, is the first LGBTQ+ Latinx multidisciplinary arts festival in the Northeast. Its primary mission is to celebrate and uplift the vibrant Latinx queer community while addressing pressing issues that affect it.
Events have been held in various locations, including New York City, Hartford, CT, Orlando, FL, and Charlotte, NC. Each installment has created a location-specific platform to expand dialogue and raise awareness about the intersectionalities, systemic barriers, and threats faced by Latinx LGBTQ+ communities across the United States.
Through its multifaceted approach and understanding of the critical role that the arts play in telling stories that are often hidden - FUERZAfest serves as a catalyst for social change, nurturing a supportive environment for queer Latinx expression and advocacy. It fosters creative collaboration, artistic expression and honors the rich cultural legacy of Latinx queer artists. FUERZAfest aims to provide a culturally sensitive space that serves as a beacon of support and resilience against discrimination and violence.
Our hope is to spark a necessary conversation within our communities about who we are, what we value, and how we can stand together to fight injustice.